This is Laurence and Juliette and me at the park.

This is the small museum I went into to warm up and look what I found. Such a pretty place

This is Juliette She is not that short she ust was bending down for the picture. But now I look really tall so I like it.
During this last week , like I said, we had a week off of school so I went to Avignon with Lu and then I left for Paris on the 31st to stay with a family that I know there. I really had a good time. The familly has two daughters. One is my age but she lives with her boyfriend and the other was gone on vacation in Belgium so it was just me and the parents. The mom is really nice she always cooks really well. We maded all kinds of stuff for dinner. I stayed in Paris from Tuesday the 31st to saturday the 4th. One wednesday the mom, Laurence, and the daughter who is my age, Juliette, went to a beautiful park called the Luxembourg park. There was also an art museum there so we went to that too. The art was by a painter named Titien and all of his art was prtraits of rich people and such so they were good but I like more colorful stuff of nature and things like that. Juliette thought so too. But we had fun anyways. It was freezing in Paris that entire week. I love the cold though. Then on thursday Laurence had to work so I was on my own in Paris the entire day. She gave me a key to the house so I could return whenever I wanted and she helped me buy a card for the metro so I could use it as many times as I want the entire week. That worked great cause I took the metre everywhere around Paris that day. I went to the Eiffel Tower, of course, and walked by the Seine river and then I went to a small , free, museum to warm up because I was soooo cold and it started to rain a little. Then that night one of my friends, her name is Precious who is also studying abroad but it Paris , was done with her classes for the day so around 7 that night we went out to dinner to an Italien place. We talked in French and had a great time. It was so good to see her. On Friday Precious, Juliette, and I went to another museum which was art also but it was all the impressionist painters like Monet and Degas and some others. I love that stuff. So we had a good time and then we went out to lunch. Then I left on saturday. SO I had a grat visit but I was glad to get home to my little town of Aix and my apartment. I took the TGV which stands for Train de Grand Vitesse, which means the fast train. So it took three and a half hours to get from Paris to Aix. I like the train, they have really good yogurt... oh and the view is really pretty.