Sunday, August 27, 2006

Sunday life

Nothing is open on Sundays. The only way to buy food is if you go to the markets in the morning. The fish market is huge! They have whole sword fish and every other kind sitting in ice. Today I saw this guy take one of the fish and cut it for someone. By the time I came back, the sword fish sitting in ice on the right was just a head. None of the stores in the alleys are open. Just the markets. So everyone is out in the morning at the cafes, because the cafes must always be open. The french are always sitting and eating and drinking coffee. I have never drank so much coffee in one week in my life. I smell like it too.
The markets are crazy. There is a square close to where I live that has a really big outside market. Everyday they set the market up early and take it down around 12 30. Then they hose everything down from all the fish and fruits getting on the ground. Then they set all the cafes back up. They do that every day!!! Aix has stuff like this in town squares all over the place. People sit at the tables before they are even ready. The picture on the right is of my room mate Amy. The picture of the long street is of the "Cours Mirabeau". That is the main road in Aix. It always has some kind of market on it. It is fun to walk around. I am doing alot of walking here.
more updates soon,


Sarah said...

Your place is awesome! I'm so jealous of you! I never got to live in an apt and you’re doing it in France!!
The place looks really cute!!
It was so nice to talk to you this morning, thanks for the call. I wish I could make it out there to see you but I don't see how I can, it would have to be within the next 3 months!
I'm so glad to posted pictures it gives me a better idea of what your living conditions and everything is like, your pictures are much better than the ones I had in my head! Take care, stay safe and I hope to talk to you again soon! I love you lots!!

kelly said...

Bonjour Shawna!
Wow, your apartment is so adorable. I'm so glad that you're happy where you are. Sorry it took so long to respond back, I've been working and packing too. I did get your email though, thank you!!!! I would love to stop by to see you, but I need to see with my mom if we have time. I'm crossing my fingers. :) Well, keep updating me with all of the current info, pictures, etc. I miss talking and laughing with you too.
love you,